Lisa Gallion

Motivate your Children: Point Them Toward Courage, not Caution
“Our offspring should be motivated by our momentum, not halted by our hang-ups.” —Tim Elmore “My son wants to buy a motorcycle, but it’s so dangerous.” “My daughter really wants to spend her summer as a missionary in Ghana, but I’m afraid of what might happen to her.” I have this conversation with parents way…

Be in the Know: Homeschool Graduation Requirements
Contrary to popular belief, there are no graduation requirements for homeschoolers in Georgia. That bears repeating. There are NO graduation requirements for homeschoolers in Georgia. You read that correctly. None. Zilch. Nada. Pursuant to Georgia’s Home Study Law, there are no graduation requirements with which homeschool students must comply. Caveat: A home study student may…

High School English at Living Science, Part 2
The What and the Why My last post provided an overview of the progression options for high school English at Living Science. This one focuses on some reasons you might want to add high school English at Living Science to your student’s STEM classes. Reading the Classics with the Bible in Mind We use Bob…

High School English at Living Science, Part 1
What to Take When? High school is the time to hone students’ reading and writing skills in preparation for college and the workplace. “Excellent written and oral communication skills” appears on most job descriptions, even for highly technical STEM jobs. While there are substantial opportunities in all our classes to develop these skills, our high…

Teacher Profile – Angela Tow
High School, Honors Algebra “Being part of the Living Science family is so much more than top-notch academics. Developing the students spiritually and giving them opportunities to excel is the priority.” — Angela Tow After graduating from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Mathematics in 1995, Angela Tow began teaching in…

Teacher Profile: Bernie Adams
Bernie Adams – High School Computer Programming “I am honored to be at Living Science teaching high school students about computer science and programming while also encouraging them to have Christ as their moral compass.” — Bernie Adams Since Bernie Adams began teaching computer science and programming at Living Science in August of 2015, she…

Make It Stick Part 2–The Good News about Testing
My last post on “Make It Stick,“ covered “desirable difficulties” created by spaced, interleaved, and varied practice to help the brain hold on to new information. One problem the authors noted over and over among students was a disconnect between what they thought they knew and their actual retention of new material. Their recommended remedy…

Make It Stick: What I’m Learning About Learning this Summer
The first new book I read this summer was Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, by a novelist (Peter C. Brown) and two cognitive scientists (Henry L. Roediger, III and Mark A. McDaniel). The authors focus on integrating current cognitive neuroscience—how the brain stores and retrieves information—with practical learning in the classroom and…

A Visit to Noah’s Ark
Lance and Penney Davis, co-founders of Living Science, were invited to attend the ribbon cutting of the newly built, full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky, and spent three days enjoying the remarkable exhibits. Take a video tour of the Ark Encounter with the Davises. An Enduring Relationship The Davises strongly believe in the…

Living Science Homeschool Graduation: A Time of Reflection and Celebration
A few weeks ago, sixteen Living Science seniors walked into a lovely local church escorted by their very proud parents. They walked across a stage, received diplomas from Living Science and from their parents, and moved their tassels, signifying the completion of their high school education. And these sixteen seniors recessed alone after the ceremony,…
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