Childhood Education

Why Everyone Should Take a Coding Class
A Guest Post from Calvin Crose, Living Science Senior Today, with the expansion of technology, it is more important than ever for every student to take a coding class. Many people think coding is only for those super-smart nerds in Silicon Valley. This, however, is just an excuse. Coding is for everyone because it increases…

Mini Expedition: Back and Better than Ever
After two years of limited activity, this year’s Mini-Expedition, held on Wednesday, March 16, went “full STEAM ahead.” We love hosting this special treat for our elementary students as they look forward to the week-long middle school Expedition. Our Junior Trainees (JTs) and Trainee Servant Leaders (TSLs) planned, prepared, and packaged each activity with love…

Mini Expedition: Maximum Fun!
Our first mini-Expedition was a great experience for students and parents alike. From enthusiastic student-led worship to exciting rotations in science, engineering, art, math, and games, students had an amazing day, as you can see from the gallery below. Enjoy! If you’re visiting from your phone, please click here to see the gallery on Smugmug.

Melting Moments—Jo Chin
Jo is a homeschooling mother of two boys who are Living Science students. Enjoy her post on appreciating the temporary nature of parenting. As we walked outside this morning, I saw the blanket of frost that covered the grass as it has several mornings recently. Most of the time I’m in my car or in…

Mrs. D’s Musings…on Mothers
Instead, we were like young children[a] among you. Just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. Surely you remember, brothers and sisters, our toil and…

Motivate your Children: Point Them Toward Courage, not Caution
“Our offspring should be motivated by our momentum, not halted by our hang-ups.” —Tim Elmore “My son wants to buy a motorcycle, but it’s so dangerous.” “My daughter really wants to spend her summer as a missionary in Ghana, but I’m afraid of what might happen to her.” I have this conversation with parents way…

3 Tips for Teaching Science with Active Learning
According to a study from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology[1], 60 percent of students in the United States who enroll in a STEM field at the college level switch to a non-STEM field or drop out. It is more important than ever to ensure kids are interested in learning and sticking…

Childhood Education: Early STEM Learning
With the right guidance, children are capable of much more than we give them credit for. Picture a first-grade classroom; maybe even go back to you were in first grade. Amidst all the excitement, your teacher gives you several hands-on activities on the topic you’ve been studying for the past week. After the teacher passes…

Common Core
We at Living Science believe that God has entrusted parents with the responsibility for educating their own children. Teach [God’s Word and laws] to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deut 11:19 While that education…