STEM Labs and Activities

Mini Expedition: Back and Better than Ever
After two years of limited activity, this year’s Mini-Expedition, held on Wednesday, March 16, went “full STEAM ahead.” We love hosting this special treat for our elementary students as they look forward to the week-long middle school Expedition. Our Junior Trainees (JTs) and Trainee Servant Leaders (TSLs) planned, prepared, and packaged each activity with love…

Contraption Distraction: Rube Goldberg at Living Science
At 9:00 a.m. on May 4, Living Science presents the annual 9th-grade Rube Goldberg exhibition, and it’s open to the public! Each of our 9th grade Physical Science students designs and builds a contraption that uses all the forms of energy the students have studied this year (except nuclear!) and demonstrates all the simple machines…

Mini Expedition: Maximum Fun!
Our first mini-Expedition was a great experience for students and parents alike. From enthusiastic student-led worship to exciting rotations in science, engineering, art, math, and games, students had an amazing day, as you can see from the gallery below. Enjoy! If you’re visiting from your phone, please click here to see the gallery on Smugmug.

Let them eat cake…and learn!
By Robin Spiess, teacher, 8th grade earth science What do Stone Mountain, earth science, a baked cake and icing have in common? If you’ve had a student in the 8th grade at Living Science, then you probably know the answer! For everyone else, let me tell you…this is the only exam of the year that…

Eclipse 2017
As you probably know by now, we are postponing the first day of LS classes (8/21) to allow our families to travel to see the total eclipse if they so desire. Monday high school classes will meet in their regular time slots and classrooms on Friday, August 18. We think a total solar eclipse is…

Mini Lab: Drops on a Penny
Elementary students, here’s a mini-lab you can try at home to practice using the scientific method. Science is all about asking questions and finding answers. So just to help you begin to think, try to answer the question above. For starters, take a guess: “How many drops of water do you think will fit on…