Be in the Know: Homeschool Graduation Requirements
Contrary to popular belief, there are no graduation requirements for homeschoolers in Georgia. That bears repeating. There are NO graduation requirements for homeschoolers in Georgia. You read that correctly. None. Zilch. Nada. Pursuant to Georgia’s Home Study Law, there are no graduation requirements with which homeschool students must comply. Caveat: A home study student may subject himself to state graduation requirements if he elects to have his transcript accredited.
Although unaccredited homeschoolers have the freedom to establish their own graduation requirements, Georgia’s Home Study Law doesrequire that all home study programs include instruction in reading, language arts, math, social studies, and science. The content for each of these subjects is not prescribed, nor are the requisite credit hours.
With this academic freedom comes a word to the wise: It behooves you to establish customized graduation requirements for your student despite the fact that unaccredited homeschoolers are not subject to mandated graduation requirements. Consider your family’s values and your student’s interests and post-graduation plans when setting your requirements.
For example, if your student intends to pursue a four-year college degree upon graduation, requirements to fulfill a college preparatory course of study are in order. Peruse five to ten college websites to get an idea of the credits typically required for freshman applicants, and set your requirements accordingly. Alternatively, if your student plans to pursue a trade after graduation, you may want to establish graduation requirements that will serve her well in her pursuits. In essence, take advantage of the freedom of not having mandated requirements and design something that is best suited for your student.
As with all things homeschool, it is best to develop the habit of going to the source whenever possible. In this case it means reading the Georgia Home Study Law. To get started, consider this excellent resource from the Georgia Home Education Association. Be informed. Stay abreast of developments, and plan accordingly.
You can reach Kendall Watkins at DIY Scholars Consulting: [email protected].
Note: To receive a Living Science diploma at graduation, students must complete the requirements listed in the Living Science Handbook. Students who choose a different set of requirements receive a certificate of completion for high school coursework completed at Living Science.
Disclaimer: This article does not provide legal advice and may not be relied upon as such. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney directly.
© 2017 DIY Scholars Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
By Lisa Gallion | Mar 13, 2017