We offer a full complement of academic courses for homeschooled students from 2nd to 12th grade as well as science clubs for K-1. Our qualified, innovative faculty provides rigorous instruction in what we believe is an excellent balance of a warm, homelike atmosphere, high expectations, and accountability. Most classes meet once a week. Because we are a science-focused school, all students are required to take a science class with us. Our annual week-long field studies trips are a highlight for students in middle and high school, and work completed on these trips is a significant portion of each student’s grade.
Additional Information
Living Science Academy is a hybrid-model school; parents retain their leadership role in the education of their children. Most of our classes meet one day per week, which means that students will complete a majority of their school work at home under parental supervision. Families with one or both parents involved with their students’ academic coursework are most successful with the hybrid model. The State of Georgia requires a minimum of 4.5 hours per school day for home educated students. Most full-time elementary or middle school students at Living Science Academy will be able to complete their weekly work within this timeframe (22.5 hours/week including time spent in class). High school coursework requires more time, depending on the course load selected.
Although we are not an accredited school, Living Science Academy classes, if completed according to faculty direction, easily provide sufficient documentation of work for an accrediting service. We can recommend accrediting services if parents desire it.
We offer reasonably priced professionally proctored ITBS testing for grades 2-12 each spring. The State of Georgia requires home educated students to take a grade-appropriate standardized test every three years, beginning in the third grade. Many of our families choose to use this service annually to give their students experience in a typical testing environment. We conduct testing in two sessions, two weeks apart with a makeup date to accommodate students’ schedules.
Living Science Academy uses FACTS, a web-based school management application, to provide communications, scheduling, tuition payment, class management, and student grades. Families have access to FACTS when the school year begins.
To view our weekly class schedule, click here.

Our goal at Living Science Academy is to partner with parents to grow young people who are passionate about God, learning, and serving. As Mrs. D often says, we look for the diamond in every student and seek to refine and polish it with encouragement, enthusiasm, and high standards. Our classes are small; our teachers have high expectations, and we love to help students succeed.
2024-25 Academic Calendar
Living Science Academy runs on a calendar year that is similar to (but does not exactly mirror) the schools in the area. Please note that we do not adhere to all Cherokee County School System closings. In case of inclement weather or other emergencies, closing information will be made available via 11Alive and www.11alive.com.