Reaching beyond academic excellence to the heart

Living Science Academy is a Christian hybrid homeschool center in Woodstock, Georgia, providing STEM and other academic classes for students from second grade through high school and science clubs for K-1. We are excited about God, students, discipleship, learning, and science, in that order. Our culture of encouragement helps students thrive on challenges and gain the skills they need to succeed.

Why Living Science Academy?

running on the beach | Hybrid Homeschool For Living Science | Living Science Academy

We are distinctly Christian.

We approach all subjects from a Biblical perspective and the understanding that “in the beginning, God created...” We approach all students as image-bearers who are precious to both their Creator and to us. We believe that families are paramount, and we seek to come alongside parents as they disciple and educate their children.

Science Experiments | Hybrid Homeschool For Living Science | Living Science Academy

We are science-centered.

All our students take a science class with us, and all our middle and high school students go on a week-long field studies trip. The science class is the backbone of our program and the primary group in which the students get to know others in the same grade. Students love the hands-on projects, frequent dissections and labs, and lively class discussions that characterize our classes.

Graduation | Hybrid Homeschool For Living Science | Living Science Academy

We mentor leaders.

Our high school Servant Leaders benefit from a proven mentoring and discipleship program that offers thorough training and increasing responsibility as they grow. We pour into our Servant Leaders, preparing them to pour out their hearts in service, especially to the middle school students they lead.


We offer choices.

Students may take just science with us or opt for any of a full range of academic classes for 2nd through 12th grade. Families choose the classes they desire for their students. Because we are a home school study center, parents always retain final authority and responsibility for their students’ schooling.

For more information about our STEM class offerings, visit one of these pages:

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.