Living Science Academy Student Leadership Training

We call our high school leadership team Servant Leaders because we strongly believe that true leaders serve. The vision of our Servant Leadership program is to send out mature disciples whose varied experience gives them the flexibility, confidence, poise, and dependence on God they need to meet the challenges of college and young adulthood.

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Discipleship | Student Leadership | Servant Leader Program | Living Science Academy


We teach Servant Leaders to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth, encouraging them to read and apply God’s word and to seek God’s guidance every day, in all they do. Our weekly “Circle” meetings are focused on Biblical teaching and practical application.

Real Responsibility | Student Leadership | Servant Leader Program | Living Science Academy

Real Responsibility

Servant leaders work as classroom assistants in at least one class each school year. Responsibilities range from set-up and cleaning to grading to helping individual students, communicating with parents, and teaching segments. Students receive high school elective credit for each year of their classroom work.

Our Servant Leader team puts many hours into preparation and planning for our Middle School Expedition. On the trip itself, the students put their learning into practice, serving as team leaders for small groups, teaching dissections and other STEM modules,  and leading worship. They also produce and perform in a play that unfolds over the four evenings and is a primary gospel and science teaching medium on the trip.

During the school year, Servant Leaders seek to develop relationships with and mentor younger students, serve families at tea parties and muggings, help keep our facilities in good order, and make themselves generally indispensable.

Graduated Learning | Student Leadership | Servant Leader Program | Living Science Academy

Graduated Learning

The Servant Leadership program is a process. Students can begin as early as 8th grade in our Junior Training (JT) program. In JT, students learn to intentionally study the Bible for themselves, master scientific principles that are tested throughout the year, learn to engage the PETE (preparation, execution, tidy up, evaluation) process, and build unity by learning to serve one another and the Living Science community.

Students who are accepted into the Servant Leader program complete a year of training as TSLs (Trainee Servant Leaders), usually in 9th grade. During this year, they serve in a classroom, attend intensive leadership training, and observe the Servant Leader team as they prepare to be full Servant Leaders. On successful completion of the training, Apprentice Servant Leaders continue to learn and begin to work with middle schoolers, serving as the “Science Team” for Expedition. In their third and fourth years, full Servant Leaders take on more direct responsibility as they lead teams of middle schoolers on Expedition. Middle school students enjoy this special relationship, and many look forward to their own time as Servant Leaders.

Students who complete the program experience very high levels of real responsibility. Servant Leadership is demanding, but rewarding. Parents and students credit the Servant Leader program for encouraging students in maturity.

Read more about our Servant Leadership program first-hand from both a student and parent perspective.

For more information about the Servant Leader Program, please contact us.


Psalm 22:30

Their descendants will serve him;
the next generation will be told about the Lord.