Melting Moments—Jo Chin
Jo is a homeschooling mother of two boys who are Living Science students. Enjoy her post on appreciating the temporary nature of parenting.
As we walked outside this morning, I saw the blanket of frost that covered the grass as it has several mornings recently. Most of the time I’m in my car or in my house hurrying around, caught up in the tyranny of the urgent. I hardly had taken the time to notice before. But, today, I made it a point to pause in spite of the cold — to marvel at the dream-like beauty before me, delicate and glistening in the morning sun. Why would God bother to make something so beautiful so temporary? Why can’t it be forever?
I suppose if it were, I’d take it for granted. Perhaps the frost is to remind me to appreciate where I am in life because it’s not forever. To savor each moment as a treasure given to me by my Heavenly Father who LOVES me, and to allow it to fill my soul. He will have other things in store for me. I have to choose to not only to look, but also to take them in.
When I’m deep in the trenches of life, of parenting and trying to make it from one day to the next, I choose to pause and notice the dimples in my son’s cheeks when he laughs unabashedly. I choose to appreciate the comical way my boys manage to contort themselves to sit in my lap to snuggle. This moment is not forever — it’s fleeting, like the frost. This season will be gone sooner than I realize. There are times when it’s super hard and I would wish it to pass quickly. Yet, having paused to take the time to notice the beauty in the midst of it all, I am more blessed. My heart is fuller because I choose to be still in that moment, to breathe and take it in where I am. I can’t help but be more aware of the sweet presence of our loving Father and his abundant blessings. Whatever my season, whatever my circumstance, He has left gifts for me and is waiting in great anticipation for me to find them.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17 ESV
Slow down and enjoy the abundant gifts placed before you. Take a deep breath and marvel at the goodness of our loving Father.
By Lisa Gallion | Feb 11, 2019