Navigating Schooling Options For Your Child: Home School Programs
As a parent, it can be difficult to find the perfect fit for your child’s unique educational needs.
One option, which is growing in popularity, is a homeschool program model or hybrid school.
This approach allows for the tailoring of curricula, and the customization of teaching styles, which best fits a student’s needs. Also, this allows your child the same benefits offered by traditional methods, like community, teamwork and specialized teachers.
Basically, the child benefits from traditional classroom learning and the personalization of home schooling.
Hands-On Learning with a Teacher
One of the biggest concerns parents have with a traditional home school approach is being a teacher AND a parent/worker.
And as a parent, sometimes you don’t have the knowledge or ability to teach your kids the advanced content they need to learn, or the curriculum they have a high interest in learning.
High-level math can make home schooling a difficult task for parents, so having access to a high-level math teacher, is worth their weight in gold.
But with a home school program, parents can teach the subjects and life lessons they are able to and send their kids to a skilled teacher for subjects they aren’t able to teach.
This is incredibly helpful for kids interested in complex, high-level math and science topics. Through a home school program, they have access to all the equipment and information they need, as well as a hands-on instructor capable of teaching the material.
The Living Science Approach
At Living Science, our students must be enrolled in at least one science class, as our program is built on science. However, parents have their complete and total choice when it comes to selecting classes for their child.
We offer all of the required academic classes from fourth grade through high school, along with a number of electives.
On top of our clubs and programs, our middle school students go on a Science Expedition, while our high school students go on a Senior Retreat once a year. Here they learn:
· Learning styles – where they experience God’s world as they observe the environment.
· STEM activities – where they conduct sophisticated experiments that help prepare them for college.
· Community service – where their service helps them learn to lead by example while spreading God’s word.
In addition, we know all students have a different set of needs and learning styles. Some are visual learners, some are kinesthetic, and some are a combination of the two.
We work with you and your child to provide the best instruction possible, while helping parents, when necessary, to modify assignments based on need.
By Mr. D | Dec 28, 2015