Deanna & Mrs. D

Living in the Shadow

A devotional given by Mrs. D on the occasion of a special birthday party for Mrs. Deanna Sellers. Even as Mrs. Sellers is undergoing cancer treatment, she is keeping things together at Living Science as our administrator. Be encouraged.

Here are two questions to answer today:

Is prayer a matter of constant privilege and enjoyment?

Are we content to sit in His Shadow listening  for His voice? 

If we fully understood the magnificence and beauty of the Lord’s shadow, we would do everything we could to remain there. A shadow only covers us when we are CLOSE.

The last total solar eclipse of August, 2017, was spectacular. We went to the mountains to view it. This was a very special gift to us from God—we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary that same weekend. The image of the shadow passing in front of the sun and the total darkness that ensued is forever etched in our minds.

Little by little, the shadow of the moon passed over the sun. It looked so cool as the first crescent shadow darkened one side. Nothing around us changed. It was daylight with all the normal sounds of a sunny day. Similarly, as shadow covered half of the visible sun and even three quarters, life seemed normal. We watched breathlessly as the last little area went into shadow and totality arrived. There was an eerie darkness, and a cacophony of night sounds began. But our eyes were fixed on the beauty and splendor of the corona (the glowing outer atmosphere of the sun). I have never seen anything so majestic and ethereal. It truly was as if we momentarily stepped out of this world. I tear up thinking about it.

A total solar eclipse is seen on Monday, August 21, 2017 above Madras, Oregon. Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

Equally memorable is the silence punctuated with night insects and a tangible calm that engulfed us…like nothing we had experienced before. What a picture of Psalm 91:1!

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. (ESV)

The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. (CSB)

IF we dwell in the SHADOW of the Almighty, not in the penumbra, on the sidelines of partial shadow, we can experience the glory of the corona and the same total calm and peace…no matter what surrounds us, no matter what our circumstances may be.

LORD help us linger with contentment, expectation, and joy in your Shadow. Let us see your corona in the darkness.

By Penney Davis | Jul 2, 2021

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Psalm 127:4

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.