Musings from Mrs. D
We recently visited the Grand Tetons with our extended family. As we enjoyed the beauty there, the Lord impressed some things on my mind that I would like to share with you.
Looking at String Lake
(at the foot of Mount Moran in the Grand Tetons)
“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. ” Psalm 90:12
We are not born with wisdom. Age does not produce wisdom. This kind of wisdom only comes from the Word. Most of you know we love books, but all our books only give us a measure of knowledge from a human perspective.
God is the source of TRUTH and His Word helps us know Him more intimately, which leads to true WISDOM. As His Word says, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10.
What does this have to do with String Lake?
Well, for one thing, our Bible gave us insight into its origin As we sat beside this beautiful and peaceful lake, many thoughts flashed through our minds. We considered how the majestic Teton mountains and the numerous lakes at their base were the result of the Flood and the ice age that followed. Wow! But there is more.
The water in String Lake is pure and cold, supporting a healthy fish population and offering a safe place for swimming. As I was reading in Jeremiah, the verse below took on new meaning.
“My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 2:13
A study of the water sources in Palestine shows that the people had three sources of water:
- Fresh running water running from springs (“Living” Water)
- Groundwater possibly collecting in a well
- Run-off water that collected in a man-made retention pit called a cistern.
The broken cistern Jeremiah mentions would have collected foul, silty water. Since this water was still and exposed, it probably harbored insect larvae of various kinds. In other words, Israel had traded God’s fresh water for polluted sludge!
As we sat looking at the beauty of the clear, cool water in String Lake, some questions popped into my mind. Please ponder and answer them for yourself:
- Am I regularly drinking fresh cool, clear Living water by spending time with Jesus?
- Am I drawing from a reservoir of old stagnant knowledge from the past?
- Am I simply basing all my decisions and knowledge on whatever “sludge” the world pours into me?
My prayer
“LORD, please fill me to overflowing with fresh Living Water that spills over into the lives of others. Fill me with JESUS, so that when I am pricked I bleed YOU!
By Penney Davis | Aug 9, 2016